The present work investigates the corticoid action on the growth of the superior cervical ganglion of the rat and
describes the cortisol effect during early stages of development. The study was based on morphometric and stereological analysis of the
perikarya. Eight rats were treated intraperitoneally with cortisol (Img/Kg/day) during 36 days. Treatment was initiated in the 8th day
after birth and was withdrawn one day before the sacrifice. There was a significant difference (P<0,05) for the neural mean diameter
between the control group (16.78 ± 1.11mm) and treated animals (15.84 ± 0.99mm). The decrease of perikarya neuronal diameter was
also demonstrated by stereological methods. Morphometrical findings may suggest alterations in superior cervical ganglion neuronal
activity in rats treated for long term with cortisol.

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